Washi Craft Heaven

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Washi Tape - craft-a-holic

Hi  My name is Sue and I'm here to admit that I'm a 'Craft-a-holic
my addiction to crafting started a long time ago when I was a teenager and has had its ups and downs over the the years but thankfully it's returned and now I'm enjoying the fruits of many hours of happy crafting again.
I've done them all... cross stitch, Knitting/Crocheting, card making/embossing, beading, polymer clay and many others along the way to the point where my study looks like a 'Riot or Spotlight' store has blown up in there and the aftermath is boxes and boxes of  'stuff' that I can't part with in case I need to start a particular craft again one day -my  fellow crafters will totally understand once you start a collection of something it takes on a whole life of it's own
Anyway I even managed to go 'cold turkey' and stop over a period of 18 or so years while I was bringing up my 2 beautiful sons but as they are now almost fully independent and I've gotten more free time on my hands that old itch to do something with my 'hands' reared it's ugly head and I had to find something new again

So it started one day with a polymer clay 'workshop'  (thanks to a good friend who like me also loves crafting... you know who you are JM ) and every so often now my friend emails me with a new ..... 'would love to do this one' and before we know it we are booked into doing a new workshop over the weekends and end up learning another new craft....but that's another story for another post :)

So my newest addiction is.... WASHI TAPE and I've fallen hard with this one....

I can't even remember how or why I bought my 1st roll of Washi Tape but when I got it home and started googling online about the stuff I found myself drawn into a world of endless possibilities and the colours....OMG the colours are just breathtaking and overwhelming

My very 1st attempt at using and decorating with some washi tape was pretty lame and consisted of a few stripes of the tape on a clear plastic Pencil holder which I was like .... mmmmm ok this is fun now lets see what else I can do with it.  hours upon hours have been spent online discovering the hidden world of Washi tape and what you can do with it

I've since gone on to a fully blown addiction to the point where I can't help but check out all the shops on my weekly shopping trip for new rolls of Tape and when I find them I get a little rush of euphoria at the colours and thinking what will I do with this one now ???

My few rolls of tape have now grown to close to 300 and even though I try to keep from buying more I just can't pass a pretty new roll when I see it.   I hate to think of the amount of $$ I've spent but like any good addiction the thrill of the next 'hit' far outweighs the cost ... right !

I'm also getting more adventurous with each purchase and have covered several boxes and other art deco items which I now proudly have displayed around my house and after each new project I'm hungry for the next one

thank goodness the rolls themselves are small and compact and easy to store and hide from the eyes of my hubby who thankfully has not yet questioned my growing 'stash'

I've also decided that to feed this wonderful 'habit' that I had to take the plunge and open my own ETSY shop  https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/WashiCraftHeaven to sell Washi tape and some of the items I've decorated in the hope of making more $$ to buy more Washi tape for myself.  
So I took the plunge and purchased a bulk lot of tapes (just under 100 rolls) and when the box arrived and
 I opened it for the first time I was like.... OMG how can I part with these ....but I've been strong and bitten the bullet and my shop now displays all the beautiful rolls for other Washi tape addicts to purchase and hopefully enjoy as much as I do

feel free to browse and indulge yourself in My Washi Craft  world of tape and if your looking for a new and fun craft to try then a few rolls of Washi tape will get your creative streak going and before long you will be a tape addict like the rest of us and once you've come over to the 'dark' side of the world of Washi Tape there's no going back

I'm hoping to post more of the items I've made to my pinterest board soon in the hope that it will inspire you to enjoy and create something unique and special for your self your family and friends

and to all the tape addicts out there   'may the tape with you '